Wednesday, April 1, 2009

roadtrip series (feb.25-mar.10): beach kids

sea of beautiful glass. smile of beautiful baby.

yum scrum!

oh, thanks, dad! i was getting so dirty.

dava's boogie board (palm tree wash-up)

running for the waves
with auntie nicole

roadtrip series (feb.25-mar.10): beaches

now, don't get us wrong. while there may be many pictures of the beach, this was definitely not the main thrust, or even the main highlight of our roadtrip. of the two weeks we were on the road, we spent about 3 hours of that on the sand, and in the sun and waves. other than that, it was definitely the witnessing that was our focus, our job, and definitely, our highlight.

our first less-than-successful beach trip.

we got there at sunset. but it was definitely a beautiful sunset. this is catbalogan.

this was our second (and last) more successful beach trip. beautiful catarman.

finally. the shot all couples take: kissing in the sunset.

daddy and fatty

dava playing with her prized beach-washed-up-nature-junk, with daddy and aileen in the background.

beach bums

loving it

daddy going for a swim
while dava's content to play in the shallows (but she also loves braving the waves and swimming like a crazy person)

roadtrip series (feb.25-mar.10): the great commission

daddy doing the mass witness thing...

...and the personal witness too.

mommy witnessing on the ferry...

...and at the airport.

dava singing cmas songs in the summer. (this was a little "drinking before driving" break...while waiting to board the ferry. i'm serious.)

talking with the pilot and flight attendants...

...and with kids, of course...

...definitely, of course.

giving out tracts at the terminal...

and talking with some of the candy vendors.